Welcome to the Vietnam Veterans Of America, Berks County Pennsylvania, Chapter 131 web site. This site was made to be a place where Veterans of all Branches of the Military, Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard can get information on what is going on in the Berks County Pennsylvania area.
It is open to Veterans, Wife's, Husbands, Mothers, Fathers, Children, Brothers, Sisters, Grandparents, and Friends of any Veteran, living or deceased. Please take the time to share any information you would like so that others may know about you, or someone you know who was in the military during Vietnam, whether served in country or out of country. Everyone no matter what is welcome.
It is open to Veterans, Wife's, Husbands, Mothers, Fathers, Children, Brothers, Sisters, Grandparents, and Friends of any Veteran, living or deceased. Please take the time to share any information you would like so that others may know about you, or someone you know who was in the military during Vietnam, whether served in country or out of country. Everyone no matter what is welcome.
Meetings the 2nd Thursday of the month at the
2501 Bernville Road, Reading, PA 19605
Social Gathering 1:00 pm - VVA Meeting 2:00 pm
meeting is at 1:00
(See additional information about joining under the AVVA tab)
The Berks County Combined Veterans Council meets at 7:00pm at the Berkshire Family Restaurant on State Hill road on the third Wednesday of the month. If you would like dinner arrive at 6:00pm. You are encouraged to attend their meeting.
Parades: More people needed For Chapter 131 color guard.
If interested contact Gary Letterhouse or Dave Ciscon !
January 31 - Myhealthyvet is being removed. After that you will still be able to use Myhealthybet, but you will have to login through the secure sites Login, gov or ID.me. 30 September 2025 the DS Logon option becomes available.. You have to register at those websites to use them.
February 13 – VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
Febuary 15 - 9:00am to 11:00am. Valentine’s For Veterans Breakfast. Wilson West Middle School;, 450 Faust Rd Sinking Spring PA., Register NLT 31 Jan 2025 by calling 610-375-8458 or email [email protected] or visit tinyurl.com/veteransbreakfast25\
March 13 – VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
March 29 – National Vietnam War Veterans Day - 🎖⚔
More information can be found under the UPCOMING EVENTS TAB
April 10 – VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
April 11 – Set up for Dinner Dance
April 12 - 4:00pm doors open and dinner at 5:00pm. Lincoln Park Fire Company Social Quarters, 310 Old Fritztown Rd., Shillington.
More information can be found under the UPCOMING EVENTS TAB
May 8, VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
May 17 - Next Honor Flight trip to Washington DC. See Hugh Gill for Veterans, Guardian or Volunteer Applications.
May 17 – Armed Forces Day Parade
May 24 – Wyomissing Hills Memorial Day Parade
May 26 – Memorial Day Parade
June 12 - VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
June 14 – Army’s Birthday - 🦼
July 4 – Pottstown Parade
July 10 - VVA Meeting 1pm/2pm
August 4 – Coast Guard’s Birthday - 🚢
August 14 - VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
August 24 – Ride For Freedom
September 11 - VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
September 14 - 16th Annual Golf Outing
September 18 – Air Force’s Birthday - ✈🚀
September 19 - POW/MIA Recognition Day - Candle Light Vigil
September 24 - 37th Anniversary Vietnam Memorial in Reading
October Halloween Parades – Temple
October 9 - VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
October 13 – Navy’s Birthday - 🚤
November 8 - Veterans Appreciation Dinner Dance
November 10 - Marine Corps Birthday - ⚓ 250th Anniversary ooah
November 11 – Veterans Day City Park Service 11:00 am
November 13 - VVA Meeting - 1pm/2pm
December 11 - VVA Christmas Dinner - The luncheon will be held in our normal meeting area.
December - Wreaths Across America