Hello Vietnam Veterans of Chapter 131,
This letter is to inform you about a special project we would like to start for Chapter 131. It starts with a questionnaire that would be the same for all 220+ members. The basic questions would be about your branch of service, where you served and the length of time. Then the rest would be about sharing some of your experiences and stories.
We would like to include a picture of you in your Military uniform as well as a recent/current picture. We want it to be a fun and memorable experience for you and we will all enjoy reading your stories and experiences.
A Members Directory Page will be added to the website and we will include the information you provide for us. It will be a great way for us to all get to know each other as well as a place for those you served with to search for you.
You can answer the questions on the form we have enclosed and submit it to us by mail. At your request we can email you the form so you can type in the answers and email it back to us. Or we can set up a date and time to meet with you, interview you and fill in the answers for you. This may be a great time to ask your children or grandchildren to help you and record your answers, they can learn a lot about you.
Don’t be overwhelmed when you see the number of questions. Feel free to answer the questions you like, also feel free to skip over the questions that you are not comfortable with.
This will be an ongoing project and you can always add to your story/page if you think of something else you would like to share at a later date. You can even add pictures if you would like.
On the enclosed page each question is numbered, instead of trying to squeeze your answer in the space between questions, you can use separate pages and just number your answer to the corresponding question number.
There are many people involved in this project as it could get very over whelming when we start to get your responses. We have listed some contact names below to get us started.
Thank you in advance for your participation. We are excited to get this project started and learning more about you our Vietnam Veterans who we call our Hero’s.
Team “We Support”
Mail completed form to:
VVA Chapter 131
Members Directory
P.O. Box 13735
Reading, PA 19612
Email request for form and then email completed form to:
[email protected]
Call to set up an appointment:
Or if you have a question
Diane Simmons – 610-858-1958
Nadine Venzke – 484-797-8591
Denise Weaver – 484-772-9510
WHEN DID YOU SERVE: 19____ to 19____
2) Were you drafted or did you enlist?
3) If you enlisted why?
4) Why did you pick the service branch you joined?
5) How old were you when you entered the military?
6) Where was your Basic Training?
7) Where were all the places you were stationed?
8) Do you recall your first days in service?
What did they feel like?
9) What was your job/assignment?
10) Were you awarded any medals or citations?
11) What did you do for leisure or fun during your time in the service?
12) Was there a Commanding Officer you admired?
13) Do you recall the day your service ended?
Where were you?
14) Did you wear your uniform home?
When did you realize the extent of discord in the USA?
15) What did you do in the days and weeks afterward?
16) In your opinion, what should we teach today’s students about the Vietnam Era.
17) Share one moment that resonates with your time in service.
18) Share one important action that changed your life.
19) What was the most difficult situation you faced during your service?
20) What is one funny story that makes you smile even now?
21) Have you been back to Vietnam?
Would you like to go back and visit?
22) Would you serve your country again if you were called?
23) Did you get married before, during or after your time in the service?
How many Children, Grandchildren,
Great Grandchildren do you have?
24) Where have you lived?
(Cities, towns and states - no street addresses)
25) Did you retire from the Military?
If not what was your occupation in civilian life after the service.
WHEN DID YOU SERVE: 19____ to 19____
2) Were you drafted or did you enlist?
3) If you enlisted why?
4) Why did you pick the service branch you joined?
5) How old were you when you entered the military?
6) Where was your Basic Training?
7) Where were all the places you were stationed?
8) Do you recall your first days in service?
What did they feel like?
9) What was your job/assignment?
10) Were you awarded any medals or citations?
11) What did you do for leisure or fun during your time in the service?
12) Was there a Commanding Officer you admired?
13) Do you recall the day your service ended?
Where were you?
14) Did you wear your uniform home?
When did you realize the extent of discord in the USA?
15) What did you do in the days and weeks afterward?
16) In your opinion, what should we teach today’s students about the Vietnam Era.
17) Share one moment that resonates with your time in service.
18) Share one important action that changed your life.
19) What was the most difficult situation you faced during your service?
20) What is one funny story that makes you smile even now?
21) Have you been back to Vietnam?
Would you like to go back and visit?
22) Would you serve your country again if you were called?
23) Did you get married before, during or after your time in the service?
How many Children, Grandchildren,
Great Grandchildren do you have?
24) Where have you lived?
(Cities, towns and states - no street addresses)
25) Did you retire from the Military?
If not what was your occupation in civilian life after the service.