Pictures from the past events can be found on the
POW/MIA tab under Candle Light Vigil
POW/MIA tab under Candle Light Vigil
On Friday, September 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in Reading City Park at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial we will be holding a Candlelight Vigil.
It is sponsored by the POW/MIA Forget-Me-Nots and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 131.
The Reading High School Marine Corps JROTC will be presenting the colors.
The program will be three things combined as one:
1. On Friday, September 20, 2024 is National POW/MIA Recognition Day.
* We will recognize those who are still missing and unaccounted for from all wars.
* From Vietnam we have three Berks County Brothers; we will honor each of them.
Angstadt – Dugan - Pannabecker
2. It is the 36th Anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in City Park. ( September 24th)
* We will read the names engraved on the stone.
There are 62 men who are war dead and 3 who are POW/MIA’s.
* A rose will be laid for each of them in remembrance of their ultimate sacrifice for our country.
3. We will be doing an Agent Orange Remembrance.
* On our Wall and the Wall in Washington D. C. it lists those who were killed during the Vietnam War.
The list was completed on May 15, 1975.
* Since then thousands more have died from war related injuries, sickness and diseases related to the
exposure to Agent Orange.
* Their names are not engraved anywhere but we need to remember these “Hero’s” also.
* We will be going year by year from 1975 to 2024, remembering those we lost. The crowd gathered at the Vigil
will mention the names of family, friends & fellow soldiers they knew personally who have died since they were
back home.
Please join us for this very moving and touching ceremony.
It is sponsored by the POW/MIA Forget-Me-Nots and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 131.
The Reading High School Marine Corps JROTC will be presenting the colors.
The program will be three things combined as one:
1. On Friday, September 20, 2024 is National POW/MIA Recognition Day.
* We will recognize those who are still missing and unaccounted for from all wars.
* From Vietnam we have three Berks County Brothers; we will honor each of them.
Angstadt – Dugan - Pannabecker
2. It is the 36th Anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in City Park. ( September 24th)
* We will read the names engraved on the stone.
There are 62 men who are war dead and 3 who are POW/MIA’s.
* A rose will be laid for each of them in remembrance of their ultimate sacrifice for our country.
3. We will be doing an Agent Orange Remembrance.
* On our Wall and the Wall in Washington D. C. it lists those who were killed during the Vietnam War.
The list was completed on May 15, 1975.
* Since then thousands more have died from war related injuries, sickness and diseases related to the
exposure to Agent Orange.
* Their names are not engraved anywhere but we need to remember these “Hero’s” also.
* We will be going year by year from 1975 to 2024, remembering those we lost. The crowd gathered at the Vigil
will mention the names of family, friends & fellow soldiers they knew personally who have died since they were
back home.
Please join us for this very moving and touching ceremony.